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For Sale

123 Northcote Street, Canterbury


A charming cottage


"A quiet achiever that always delivers the goods"

Following my Father’s death, I along with my brother as joint executor, were responsible to sell my father’s home, the family home

of 57 yrs, full of wonderful memories.

We wished we didn't have to sell the home, so it was a very difficult time for his four adult children.

My brother spoke to few local Real Estate Agencies in the area and he then chose Century 21 because of Violet. I trusted his judgment and when I met her I was not disappointed.

When you first meet Violet, you meet a mature, obviously experienced Real Estate Agent, who gives sound advice, who listens and makes you feel at ease immediately. She presented us with the information required in a professional and easy to understand manner.

The whole process from beginning to selling at Auction, ran just as she had predicted, there were no surprises.. My brother and I were given

comprehensive regular reports through email, about the open days, offers made and any other relevant correspondence. There were also times when it was necessary to speak with Violet. It was always reassuring to know

that if we left message for her to call, she always phoned back that day.

At all times she did exactly what she said she would do and in the time that she said she would.

In summary I would describe Violet as a quiet achiever that always

delivers the goods.

I would not have any hesitation in recommending Violet to future Vendors, Buyers, as my family was not only happy with the outcome of the Auction sale of my Father’s home, but a very difficult time was made easier by dealing with an agent that was not only competent but showed great empathy and warmth towards us.

Galea & Mills

asking Price








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Violet Mansour

Hi! My name is Violet I’ll be happy to answer all your questions. 

Please feel free to reach me by any of the means below.

0411 578 003


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