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For Sale

18 Crew St Bardwell Park


Corner Block

I am writing to convey my sincere appreciation for the exceptional level of professionalism and enthusiasm that you displayed, when recently selling our client’s home in Bardwell Park. Like all prudent vendors, my client obtained services from several estate agents both locally, and outside the area. Our client’s home was marketed each time for Auctioning and failed to draw any interest on each and every single occasion. It was quite disheartening and emotionally stressful for my client especially because my client was given endless empty promises – I felt that these agents took advantage of my client’s humbleness. The quality of service and level of professionalism was lacking. The Vendors choice to engage yourself to handle the sale was the best decision he made! It was uneventful, stress free and most importantly, you delivered over and above what was promised! It was the first time in the three years that the property was marketed that any real interest was drawn. Not only did you offer experienced informative advice on the sale and marketing of the property your communication, mannerism, attitude not just with me, but also client had been nothing less than exceptional! I have had over 14 years experience in the legal industry and have not come across an agent like you. As a solicitor, I was most impressed with your attention to detail and expertise during the whole process. It was evident you were working for the vendor and that his interests and needs were being protected and addressed and put first. This resulted in an excellent result and completely satisfied client.

Violet, I thank you and congratulate you on your wonderful service and know that any prospective sellers that cross your path would receive the same level of service that you have provided my client with. I have absolutely no hesitation whatsoever in recommending your services to prospective sellers and would be more than happy to act as a reference should you at any time require one. Thank you again and all the very best for the future.

Yours faithfully


Natalie D Yazbek Moses


Mobile: 0400 777 333

Email: natalie@yazbeklawyers.com.au

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Violet Mansour

Hi! My name is Violet I’ll be happy to answer all your questions. 

Please feel free to reach me by any of the means below.

0411 578 003


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